JamieSlye7 (2) - Jamie Slye
JamieSlye7 (2) - Jamie Slye JamieSlyeFinals-1-18 (2) - Jamie Slye Willow5 (2) - Jamie Slye Outwest4 - Jamie Slye JamieSlye28 (4) - Jamie Slye (1)

Das Hat Haus

Style is a personal expression of what lies within.

"At Jamie Slye, it is our mission to create distinct high-quality hats that complement unique personalities and empower individuals to express their own personal style."

While their entire collection was originally inspired by personalities and important figures in Jamie’s life, each hat is ready to be molded into future versions of themselves with every new owner and every new journey. Jaime Slye strives to make the perfect hat for everyone, offering 20 different unisex hats and custom-made wood hat racks.

All of our hats are designed in Seattle, WA, and made in America.

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